
Gramazio Kohler - Apr 1 to Jul 16, 2017

22 Marzo 2017


Precise Machines play with fuzzy sand, intangible sound waves lift physical objects, mass-produced mobile phones are used to build one-off wood tables. The christmas lights they designed visualise invisible force fields. Again, invisible force fields. Yet, the result is unexpectedly beautiful and makes us wonder why we thought this wasn't normal in the first place.

The two trained architects Fabio Gramazio and Matthias Kohler combine the physics of built architecture with digital logic. They don't design physical structures solely by drawing, but conceive spatial relationships and contextual behaviour through programming.

The two trained architects Fabio Gramazio and Matthias Kohler combine the physics of built architecture with digital logic. They don't design physical structures solely by drawing, but conceive spatial relationships and contextual behaviour through programming.
Gramazio Kohler use the potential of computers and digital fabrication as construction and building methods. The sensual quality of this design culture manifests itself in the novel expression of a digital materiality.


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MD Material Design
ISSN 2239-6063

edited by
Alfonso Acocella
