
The Ferrara Architecture Faculty

April 21, 2011


The Ferrara Architecture Faculty, instituted in 1987, officially opened its first course in the academic year 1991-1992.

Though only twenty years old, the history of this faculty is extremely eventful, full of choices, well-recognized results and a national and international reputation.

The school, focused on a direct and collaborative relation between students and professors, is constantly committed to supporting the strategic effort in recruiting young teachers, freely and dynamically drawing from the professional world, then leading many of them towards a stable academic career; as motivated professors, active in didactics and in the field of architectural research.

Also constant has been the effort to select a qualified group of students, remodulating, year by year, the access procedures and the number of students to be registered in the course, in terms of modifications sought by the various reforms of the national university system and in terms of space progressively accessible by the renovations of the extensive complex located around the monumental area of Tassoni Estense Palace.

The Ferrara Architecture Faculty, in order to guarantee an appropriate link between the university training and the working world, has started training activity and specialization courses after-degree in subjects of specific interest and importance, allowing retraining and a quick integration of the graduated in the professional world.

Aware of the evolution, which is marking the scenery of contemporary society, the Ferrara Architecture Faculty stimulates students to experience stages abroad, promoting a high number of grants.

The international relations and exchanges are very frequent: Socrates/Erasmus programmes with Universities of fourteen states of the European Community, and numerous initiatives of collaboration with Universities in South and North America and in New Zealand.

Since years the Ferrara Architecture Faculty has been at the top of the CENSIS quality ranking, which evaluates the universities in the country, proving, time after time, to be the first, among the Italian faculties of architecture.

The positive results, largely confirmed year after year, are supported by an organizational idea and an administrative policy geared to pursue the prearranged aims, monitored, year by year, both in didactics and research.

In the academic year 2009-10 the didactic offer of Ferrara Architecture Faculty has been enhanced with a three-year course in Industrial Product Design.

This new course enters in a strategic asset, oriented to combine, synergetically, the productive realities of the different areas of interest in Emilia-Romagna – marked by the spinner districts of ceramics, motoring, fashion, furnishing – and, more broadly, the national ones of the Made in Italy, by the chances connected to the immaterial resources of research, innovation, both technological, formal, cultural.

The course is aimed to programme 50 students per year, with a total number of 150 students in the triennium-degree.

Developing the strong points, the acquired reputation and status, the Ferrara Architecture Faculty aims to open up to the outside, more than it has been done until now and to promote collaborations with institutions, public and private firms, trade associations, production organizations directed to develop researches, formative and institutional cultural projects.


Prof. Graziano Trippa

Master of the Ferrara Architecture Faculty

Prof. Alfonso Acocella

Scientific and Organizational Responsible XfafX  2011-2012

Responsible for the External Relations and Communications FAF


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MD Material Design
ISSN 2239-6063

edited by
Alfonso Acocella
