
Shigeru Ban lecture in Ferrara: “Works and humanitarian activities”.
Fassa Bortolo International Award for Sustainable Architecture”.

June 22, 2010


Wednesday 30 June 2010
3:30 pm lecture “Works and humanitarian activities”
5:30 award Fassa Bortolo

Facoltà di Architettura di Ferrara
Palazzo Tassoni, Salone d’Onore
Via della Ghiara 36, Ferrara

Shigeru Ban will host the awards ceremony of the seventh edition of the "International Award Sustainable Architecture Fassa Bortolo. This event will take place on  June  the 30th at the School of Architecture in Ferrara, in the new wing, recently restored, in Palazzo Tassoni. On this occasion, the Japanese master, who won the gold medal with the work "Haesley Nine Bridges Club House (Yeoju, South Korea, 2009), designed with the office Kyeong Sik Yoon (Kaci International), will hold the conference" Works and Humanitarian Activities ". This impressive title recalls his projects and his research on the emergency and humanitarian aid. These actions have, in fact, marked Shigeru Ban's latest effort. We recall, among the best known examples, the reconstruction after the Kobe earthquake of 1995, temporary buildings in Rwanda and Sri Lanka and the project for the academy of L'Aquila, after the earthquake of 2009.

This edition of the Prize "Fassa Bortolo" has had a considerable number of participants (184 subscribers: 74 for the" category "Works", 110 for the category "Degree Thesis") from thirty different countries. Also this year Prof. Thomas Herzog chaired the Jury Prize. The jury was also composed by internationally renowned and experienced architects (Alexandros Tombazis from Greece, Pallasmaa Juhani from Finland), a lecturer of the Faculty of Architecture of Ferrara (Prof. Nicholas Marzot) and the Secretary of Award (Prof. Gianluca Minguzzi).

The work of Shigeru Ban, one of the most original protagonists of the contemporary architectural scene, is strongly characterized by an extreme sensitivity in terms of human social commitment. His works show a deep respect for the environment, obtained through a constant striving for a sustainable architecture. For many years, Shigeru Ban has conducted extensive research work in highly innovative construction technologies. In his work, Ban uses simple materials and recyclable materials, which possess outstanding employment opportunities, both figurative and structural (such as wood, paper, cardboard, bamboo, aluminum ...). This approach to design aims to reduce costs and construction time, also to minimize energy expenditure.

Shigeru Ban has won the Gold Prize "Fassa Bortolo" with a work composed of three club house buildings, inside a sports complex near Seoul.

This is a free admission event (for information contact the secretariat of the Prize at the number 0532 293 636).

It requires the disclosure of participation (for organizational purposes). Fill in the appropriate coupon attached, to be sent by fax or e-mail to:

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MD Material Design
ISSN 2239-6063

edited by
Alfonso Acocella
