
Le pietre incise curve

September 28, 2010

‘Le Pietre Incise Curve’ and ‘Le Pietre Incise Curve Luce’: the new vision of cladding by Lithos Design. The elaborate textures of ‘Le Pietre Incise’ collection are now presented on curved stone slabs, expressly designed to give movement and depth to walls. By working on massive stone blocks, the surface is first modeled into a harmonious, curved slab recalling an arched sheet of paper,  then carved using the same patterns of ‘Le Pietre Incise’ lines.  The difference between this two new collections consists in their application: the ‘Curve’ products are conceived as innovative claddings for both internal and external walls , while the ‘Curve Luce’ components also perform the function of enlightening  the wall itself, thus becoming its very spot lighting. The combination of wide curves, elegant textures and beams of light turn a simple wall into a design expression.

The high-technology production process results in creations which are characterized by defined lines and precise edges, allowing a perfect continuity from tile to tile. Every element is equal in height and width to standard tiles, and can be perfectly integrated with all the products of “Le Pietre Incise” collection. In particular, the possiblity of combining Le Pietre Incise’, ‘Le Pietre Incise Curve’ and ‘Le Pietre Incise Curve Luce’ products considerably broadens choice possibilities for draftsmen and designers, who can mix components, materials and textures to create many  different settings.

‘Le Pietre Incise Curve’ and ‘Le Pietre Incise Curve Luce’ collections are composed of six different models, each of them available in three different materials. Every tile has the standard 60x60x14 cm size. The ‘Luce’ products are supplied with a certificate of conformity for electrical components; a guide to correct installation can be provided for the entire collection.


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MD Material Design
ISSN 2239-6063

edited by
Alfonso Acocella
