
Guillermo Vázquez Consuegra

November 23, 2011

Guillermo Vázquez Consuegra studied at the Seville Faculty of Architecture. In 1972 he began an intense career as an architect and designer as well as being a researcher and professor.
Vázquez Consuegra has taught, held architectural conferences and seminars at universities, museums and other cultural institutions in Europe as well as in the United States and Latin America. He was the Professor of Composition and Design Elements at the University of Seville (1972-1987), Visiting Professor at the Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism in Buenos Aires (1993), École Polytechnique Fédérale in Lausanne (1995-97), the Faculty of Architecture in Navarra (1998), Syracuse University School of Architecture (NY, 2001), the Faculty of Architecture at the University of Bologna (2002-03), the Faculty of Architecture in Venice (2005-07), Visiting Scholar for the Getty Centre in Los Angeles (1994-95) and Director of Summer Architecture Courses at the Complutense University from 1993 to 2004. In 2007 he was Visiting Professor at the Architecture Academy at the Italian University of Switzerland in Mendrisio and at the same time directed the Vázquez Consuegra International Architectural Workshop at the University of Seville from his appointment as honorary professor in 2005.He participated in numerous national and international events, including the Spanish Architecture Biennial, The Venice Biennial  (1980 and 2004), the Milan Triennial (1988), the Georges Pompidou Centre in Paris (1990), the Art Institute of Chicago (1992), the Museum of Modern Art of New York (2006), where the National Museum of Sub-aquatic Archaeology of Cartagena was exhibited, and the Buenos Aires International Biennial (2011). All of Vázquez Consuegra’s projects and works were extensively published in leading architectural journals and monographs. Prominent examples of the monographs of his work were those published by the Madrid Order of Architects (1983), the Malaga Order of Architects (1986), the Gustavo Gili publishing house (1992), the Almeria Order of Architects (1992), the Valencia Order of Architects (2001), the University of Bologna and Ravenna (2002), the Electa publishing house of Milan (2005), Clean Edizioni of Naples (2007), the Junta de Andalucía (2008), the Edilstampa publishing house of Rome (2008) and TC Cuadernos of Valencia (2010). Project monographs were also published, such as those for the Ministry of Development (2000) and the Gustavo Gili publishing house (2008) dedicated to the Vigo Waterfront, the one for TC Cuadernos on the Museum of Illustration (2001) and the one for the Junta de Andalucía dedicated to the City of Tomares (2007) and the Palace of San Telmo (2010).


  • ph. duccio malagamba
  • ph. duccio malagamba


He wrote Cien edificios de Sevilla (1986), Guía de arquitectura de Sevilla (1992) and Plazas de Toros (1993, with Díaz Recasens), all published by Junta de Andalucía. As Scientific Director for the Tanais publishing house and in collaboration with the Ministry of Development, he launched collections on contemporary architecture in Spain and Latin America.
Most of Guillermo Vázquez Consuegra’s buildings received international acknowledgement from specialized critics, with many national and international awards like the Ramón y Cajal Public Housing in Seville with the C.O.A.A.O Award (1998) and the Construmat Award (1998);, the Cádiz Public Housing with the C.O.A.A.O Award (1991); the Navigation Pavilion in Seville with the Construmat Award (1989) and the C.O.A.A.O Award (1992); the extremely well-known Vigo Waterfront with the Architecti Award from the Belem Cultural Centre (Lisbon, 1994), the Concello di Vigo Urbanism and Architecture Award (1998), C.O.A.G. best Public Area operation award (2005) and the Spanish National Architecture Award awarded by the Senior Council of the Spain Order of Architects (2005); the Ugo Rivolta European Award for the Rota Public Housing project (Milan, 2008); the Museum of Illustration of Valencia with the Fundación C.E.O.E Award (2001); the Genova Sea Museum with the Prince and Architect Award (Milan, 2005) and the Revelation of the Year Museum Award (Museum Image 2004); the Castille La Mancha Archive in Toledo with the Ascer Architectural Ceramics Award (2006) and the National Museum of Sub-aquatic Archaeology in Cartagena with the Murcia Region Building Award (2009) and the Archizinc International Trophy Award (Paris, 2010).
His career was also recognized with the Arpafil Award (International Book Fair in Guadalajara, Mexico, 2006), IVE Award (Generalitat Valenciana, 2006), Andalucia Architecture Award in its first edition (2007), as candidate for the Prince of Asturias of Arts Award from the Senior Council of the Spain Order of Architects (2010) and the Grand Prize for the Buenos Aires International Architecture Biennial (2011).
Residential projects like the Rolando house-office in Mairena del Aljarafe and the Ramón y Cajal Public Housing in Seville are from the beginning of his career. Among his creations today are museums such as the Museum of Illustration in Valencia, the National  Museum of Ocean Archaeology or the Genova Sea Museum and the Baelo-Claudia Visitor Centre in Bologna. Equally significant are his heritage building projects, for example, the one in the Cartuja industrial zone in Seville as the headquarters for the Andalusian Institute for Historical Heritage, renovations on the Santa Ana a Tomares farm (Seville) as a city building and work on the San Telmo Palace in Seville as headquarters for the President of the Junta de Andalucía. Author of emblematic works like the Navigation Pavilion for Expo ‘92 in Seville or the telecommunications tower in Cadice, he designed the Jerez and Seville Exhibition and Conference Buildings, the latter still in construction, as well as the Ciudad Real Courthouse, the Castilla La Mancha General Archive in Toledo and the Tomares Art Gallery. The social orientation of his architecture is clear not only in his residential projects – Cádiz, Almendralejo, Rota or Madrid – which were a constant in his career, but also in his urban space works like the one for recovering public area on the Vigo Waterfront. He is preparing, among other projects, the CaixaForum Cultural Centre in Seville, the Rehabilitation of the Seville Archaeological Museum and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs at Luxembourg, all won through public competition.


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MD Material Design
ISSN 2239-6063

edited by
Alfonso Acocella
