
Daniel Libeskind in Palazzo Tassoni.
Lectio magistralis: “Counterpoint”

May 27, 2010


Wednesday 9 June
last admission 4:30 pm
School of Architecture of Ferrara
Aula Magna
Ferrara, via Quartieri 8

Free entrance. Booking recommended.

tel. 0532 293648 (mercoledì e giovedì)

Daniel Libeskind will discuss the implications of the idea of Counterpoint during his lecture at the School of Architecture in Ferrara. This event is part of a major programme promoted by the Office of International Communications directed by professor Alfonso Acocella.

Daniel Libeskind, B.Arch. M.A. BDA AIA is an international figure in architectural practice and urban design. He is well known for introducing a new critical discourse into architecture and for his multidisciplinary approach.  His practice extends from building major cultural and commercial institutions - including museums and concert halls- to convention centers, universities, housing, hotels, shopping centers and residential work.  He also designs opera sets and maintains an object design studio.
Born in postwar Poland in 1946, Mr. Libeskind studied music in Israel and in New York, becoming a virtuoso performer. He left music to study architecture, receiving his professional architectural degree in 1970 from the Cooper Union. He received a postgraduate degree in History and Theory of Architecture at the School of Comparative Studies at Essex University (England) in 1972.
In 1989, Mr. Libeskind won the competition for the Jewish Museum Berlin, which opened to the public in September 2001 to wide public acclaim. Most recently, he designed the Frederic C. Hamilton building, Extension to the Denver Art Museum, alongside the Denver Museum Residences, in Colorado, opened in October 2006, The Extension to the Royal Ontario Museum, Canada, opened in June of 2007, and the Glass Courtyard, an extension to the Jewish Museum Berlin, which covers the original Courtyard, was completed in the Fall 2007. The Ascent at Roebling’s Bridge, a residential high-rise in Covington, Kentucky opened in March 2008.  The Contemporary Jewish Museum in San Francisco, California opened in June 2008 and Westside, the largest shopping and wellness center in Europe opened in October 2008, in Bern, Switzerland.


  • Studio Weil


Several of Mr. Libeskind’s projects are currently under construction, including: the Military History Museum in Dresden, Germany; the Grand Canal Performing Arts Centre and Galleria in Dublin, Ireland. Upon winning the World Trade Center design competition in February 2003, Daniel Libeskind was appointed as master plan architect for the site in New York City.  Memory Foundations is now under construction.
Mr. Libeskind has many other projects in design and planning, such as The New Center for Arts and Culture in Boston, Massachusetts; the L Tower and Sony Centre for the   Performing Arts in Toronto, Canada; the redevelopment of the historic Fiera Milano Fairgrounds in Milan, Italy; New Songdo City, in Incheon, South Korea; Haeundae Udong Hyundai l’Park in Busan, South Korea; a waterfront, residential development, Reflections, in Keppel Bay, Singapore;  Rejuvenation, a center for children in the Katrina-ravaged area of Gulfport, Mississippi; Editoriale Bresciana Tower in Brescia; and Orestad Downtown Master Site Plan, in Copenhagen, Denmark, which is a 5km development zone.
Mr. Libeskind has taught and lectured at many universities worldwide. He has held such positions as the Frank O. Gehry Chair at the University of Toronto, Professor at the Hochschule für Gestaltung, Karlsruhe, Germany, and the Cret Chair at the University of Pennsylvania, and the Louis Kahn Chair at Yale University. He has received numerous awards all over the world.
Daniel Libeskind’s work has been exhibited extensively in major museums and galleries around the world and has also been the subject of numerous international publications in many languages.


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MD Material Design
ISSN 2239-6063

edited by
Alfonso Acocella
