
Call for Paper _ Innovation in Design Education

July 27, 2011


3rd International Forum of Design as a Process

Scientific thematic meeting of the Latin Network for the development of design processes


3rd-5th November 2011



Scientific Commitee

Luigi Bistagnino, Claudio Germak, Pier Paolo Peruccio
(in charge of the host University, Politecnico di Torino, Italy)

Flaviano Celaschi
(coordinator of the Latin Network, Politecnico di Milano, Italy)

Dijon De Moraes
(Universidade do Estado de Minas Gerais - UEMG, Belo Horizonte, Brazil)

Paulo Belo Reyes
(Universidade do Vale do Rio Sinos - UNISINOS, Porto Alegre, Brazil)

Rui Roda
(Universidade de Aveiro, Portugal)

Carlos Teixeira
(The New School University, New York, USA)


Scientific Secretary

Elena Formia
(Politecnico di Torino, Italy)


Organizing Committee

Elena Formia
(Politecnico di Torino, Italy)

Laura Mata García
(Politecnico di Milano, Italy)



The evolution of design is parallel to the evolution of design education. Today, we are creating tomorrow’s designers, therefore the educational process is a central theme of the members of the Latin Network.
As usual, we are interested in understanding the changing that is happening inside the Latin cultures, how do these cultures interact everyday with the others, and how the other design cultures are permeating the Latin ones.
Some phenomena in particular are shaping the contemporary world of design education: the development of countless private design schools; distance education; the birth of experimental structures and laboratories that allow to pursue a fully experimenting education; the regulation of public education pushed by the respective country’s education ministries; the proliferation of professional associations that organize continuous professional update education programs; the always more intense relationship between companies that produce and schools that educate to organize a realistic program that produces at the same time material outputs in the form of products.
The Forum in this third edition is entirely focused on education and on the changing in act in design’s educational processes.

The Forum is addressed to the international design community that operates in countries of Latin culture, design practitioners coming from other cultures that have found in a Latin country an occasion of exchange and an interesting professional experience.
The basic objective of our consensus is to discuss experiences that focus on the design process rather than on the product and consider the design process the focus of the own design research practice.

The coordinator of the Latin Network
Flaviano Celaschi


Strand 1:
Research for education

Research can be done through teaching, however we are interested to the type of research that has as its focus the educational process itself, as well as its continuous innovation. We expect to see theoretical studies and methodologies, approaches and analysis of the results of education and of the modalities to perform an evaluation of the results (for example, measurements of professional employment after graduation, organization of innovative educational typologies, etc.).

Strand 2:
The relationship between education and companies

In design practice, there is a certain tradition of the relationship between schools and companies or organizations that produce projects or services and are interested in establishing with young aspiring designers collaboration opportunities. From junior companies to enterprise incubators, we are interested in documenting the outcomes of the processes set up to collaborate with the productive system during educational paths, reporting the problems and the positive results obtained, products and meta-projects that have succeeded in changing the production culture of companies.

Strand 3:
Innovative instruments for design teaching

We are interested in the use of ICT above all, the use of the web and the development of 2.0 creative co-participation as a teaching occasion, publishing initiatives, construction of databases dedicated to education and the use of instruments of self-study. Since the attention to design education has increased considerably, also the interest on appropriate and innovative instruments to support education has increased as well.

Strand 4:
The school narrates herself

We are interested in the use of ICT above all, the use of the web and the development of 2.0 creative co-participation as a teaching occasion, publishing initiatives, construction of databases dedicated to education and the use of instruments of self-study. Since the attention to design education has increased considerably, also the interest on appropriate and innovative instruments to support education has increased as well.



a) Abstract must have a length of maximum 3000 characters (spaces included).

b) The official language of the documents is English. On the contrary, the official languages to use during the Forum are Italian, French, Portuguese, Spanish and other Latin languages. Each presentation must be accompanied by a slide show in English.

c) Each abstract must contain the following information:?

- Name and surname of the author(s)
- Position
- Institution
- e-mail address
- Phone number
- Paper title
- Strand of reference
- Paper abstract.

Abstracts must be sent to in Microsoft Word (.doc) format, A4, preferably using font Times New Roman size 12 PT.



Opening of registration: 1 June 2011

Deadline for abstracts: 31 July 2011

Announcement of selected papers and final program: 5 September 2011

Deadline for payment and registration of the speakers included in the final program: 30 September 2011

Deadline for payment and registration of attendees: 31 October 2011

3rd Forum: 3rd, 4th and 5th November 2011

Deadline for final paper submission: 31 December 2011



130,00 Euros Per Paper

50,00 Euros Per Participant (both speakers and attendees)

*If the paper is authored by more than one person, the paper fee must be paid (130,00 euros) plus the cost of the people who will attend the event (50,00 euros per person).

** The authors of the selected papers must pay the registration fees within 30 September 2011.


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MD Material Design
ISSN 2239-6063

edited by
Alfonso Acocella
