
Andrea Branzi biography

March 14, 2012

Andrea Branzi, 2008 - immagine/image Kai Juenemann


‘Architecture is not the art of construction.  Architecture is a very complex discipline which interprets history, technology and the changes in society’ (Andrea Branzi).
Andrea Branzi.  Architect and Designer, (Florence, Italy, 1938) is one of the most charismatic figures on the international scene.
Immediately after his university graduation (1966), he became a part of the avant-garde movement known as ‘radical architecture’, and his projects are now stored at the Study Centre and Communication Archive of the University of Parma (Italy), at the Georges Pompidou Centre in Paris (France), and at the FRAC Centre in Orléans.

In 1974 he moved to Milan where, between 1975 and 1982, he was a member of the MDC (Milan Design Consultants) and in 1975 he signed the project for the corporate image of the Leonardo Da Vinci Airport in Rome (Italy). In 1982 he set up his own company, dealing with architecture, urban planning, interior design and industrial design. He deals with industrial and experimental design, architecture, urban planning, education and cultural promotion. He has written a great deal of books on the history and theory of design which were published in various countries and, in the past few years, numerous monographs about his work have been published.


  • Cielo e Terra 2011
  • Andrea Branzi, Agronica – Soft urbanization Domus Academy Research Center. Philips Design Center 1994-1995
  • Andrea Branzi, Toyo Ito, Competition for the new Forum for Music, Dance and Visual Culture di Gent (B), 2006 - immagini Studio Ueda
  • Andrea Branzi, Toyo Ito, Competition for the new Forum for Music, Dance and Visual Culture di Gent (B), 2006 - images Studio Ueda


As far as industrial design is concerned, Branzi has collaborated with Acerbis, Alessi, Artemide, Cassina, Interflex, Lapis, Pioneer, Twergy by Alessi, Unitalia, Up & Up and  Zanotta to name but a few. Some of his more celebrated international collaborations include the Japanese optical eyewear producer, Murai and the German firms Vorwerk and Dornbracht, which collaborate respectively in carpet decoration and in bathroom accessories and decorating.
Andrea Branzi alternates between intense project work and theoretical as well as education. He enjoys the role of collaborator and  consultant for many publications; he was editor of the ‘Modo’ publication  from 1982 to 1984 and he has written books, lectured and acted as a curator for various exhibitions.
 In 1982 he co-funded the Domus Academy –the first post-graduate school of design, enjoying the roles of cultural director, vice-president and coordinator.

Up until 2009 he was full professor and President of the Course of Interior Design at the Faculty of Design at the Milan Polytechnic in Italy.  
He is a member of the National Council of Design at the Ministry of Culture and he was the Scientific Curator of the new Design Museum of the Milan Triennial Exhibition and in charge of its first two thematic exhibitions.

He has been awarded many prizes and recognitions for his work. He was the consultant in charge  of the first Design and Services Centre for a raw materials industry (Montefibre) from 1974 to 1979, winning, thanks to his research, the ‘Primary Design’, the first of three ‘Compasso d’Oro’ design award, one of which, was awarded in recognition of his career.


  • Grandi Legni, 2009, Design Gallery e Nilufar image Ruy Teixeira
  • Andrea Branzi, Trees, 2010 Friedman Benda, New York images Curti-Parini
  • Andrea Branzi, Trees, 2010 Friedman Benda, New York images Curti-Parini
  • Andrea Branzi, Trees, 2010 Friedman Benda, New York images Curti-Parini
  • Andrea Branzi, Trees, 2010 Friedman Benda, New York images Curti-Parini


In 2008 he received the Honoris Causa Degree in Design at La Sapienza University in Rome, Italy, and that same year he was nominated as an Honorary Member of the Royal Design for Industry in London, England.

He has held conferences in France, Belgium, Holland, Germany, England, Switzerland, Spain, Portugal, the United States, Brazil, Argentina, Japan, Korea, Hong Kong, China, Singapore and  Thailand.

Chiara Testoni
Lab MD Material Design
Facoltà di Architettura, Università di Ferrara

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MD Material Design
ISSN 2239-6063

edited by
Alfonso Acocella
