Educational publishing collection
The university activities tied to teaching and those aimed at research are typically handled in a non-convergent fashion and are often coordinated by very different academic and governance bodies. On the one hand, there are the faculties that plan educational activities, while on the other hand there are departments responsible for research and experimentation.
The recent university reform abolished this dichotomy bringing back teaching and research within a unified and synergistic vision under the coordination of "re-founded" Departments (by absorbing the functions appointed to the faculties and providing for the simultaneous abolition of these).
To the varied investigation, experimentation, and innovation activities - typical of the research process - more integration and a transfer of knowledge began to be asked in terms of the educational processes and the more general diffusion and dissemination within the manufacturing sectors of the country in order to increase their international competitiveness.
Referring to this changed framework for the creation and conveyance of knowledge, the Didattica collection, through its printed volumes, gets close and initiates a dialogue based on the results of teachers' research and those of the researchers comparing experiments and projects developed with students through the university courses. The subtitle of the collection - "Between research and education" - summarises its thematic positioning and its very identity.
To facilitate the change that is taking place, contributing factors are the adoption and exploitation of digital technology, seen as the means of production of knowledge as well as the means for an open network of relationship and communication; digital technologies - in the form of web platforms and social networks - are increasingly more powerful and pervasive across today's society. This is the reason that motivates the free and open sharing of the Didattica collection - like the other collections coordinated by MD Lab - whose volumes are made available, accessible and readable online by browsing them within the website.
Collection director
prof. Alfonso Acocella, Università di Ferrara
Collection Editor
Media MD
Technical characteristics of the volumes
language: Italian and English/colour images/format 21,6X28 cm
Sabina Betti, Veronica Dal Buono
Fitnest. Attivatori di benessere per la casa e l'ufficio
Media MD, 2023, pp. 219.
ISBN 9788885885189
Sabina Betti, Veronica Dal Buono
Farfare. Pensare in funzione dei processi
Media MD, 2022, pp. 292.
ISBN 9788885885332
Veronica Dal Buono
Comunicare l'Università
Media MD, 2016, pp. 96.
ISBN 978-88-940517-6-6
Veronica Dal Buono (a cura di)
Media MD, 2015, pp. 136.
ISBN 9788894051711
Gabriele Lelli (a cura di)
La città degli scambi. Tra ricerca e didattica
Media MD, 2013, pp. 128
ISBN 9788890847578
Alfonso Acocella (a cura di)
Artefatti comunicativi
Con un saggio di Sergio Polano
Media MD, 2013, pp. 144
ISBN 9788890847561
Alfonso Acocella (a cura di)
Comunicare idee con carta e cartone
2012 | ISBN 9781291173956
con il sostegno di Comieco