Andreas Sicklinger

Research team

Andreas Sicklinger (Regensburg/Germania, 1970) studies architecture at the Technische Universitat Munich (MD in 1995), with a short period at the IUAV of Venice. After first experiences in architectural offices, among them the Studio di Architettura of Prof. Aldo Rossi at Milan and Munich, he collaborates the Italian industry of furniture of different categories. For 10 years he gets product manager o fan important industry of furniture for shop equipment, where he become also member of the Austrian Standard Institute in Vienna.
Today he is free lance, working in the field of design and consulting of User Centered Design and Applied Ergonomics, working with important industries of furniture.
Besides his professional activities he teaches “Applied Ergonomics for Industrial Design” at the Technical University of Turin, Bachelor Degree in Industrial Design, Graphic and Virtual Design, at the Istituto Europeo di Design at Milan in english and the new Course in Industrial Design at the University of Ferrara. He has participated in the research “Innovation design driven of the sales point”, commissioned by DIPRADI of the Technical University of Turin. 
He has published several books on ergonomics and design, among the monographies:
“Design and Ergonomics of Check outs”, together Ing. Josef Kerschhagl, Inspector of the Ministry of Economics and Labor, Vienna Eigenverlag ON-Institut Wien, in German and English, pages 269
ISBN 978-3-85402-094-3
“Ergonomia nel Retail: Packaging e Point of Purchase”,
Edizione Politeko, Torino, in Italian language, pages 60
ISBN 978-88-87380-64-4
“Ergonomia Applicata al Progetto, Cenni Storici e Antropometria”,
Maggioli Editore, Santarcangelo di Romagna in Italian languages, pages 192
ISBN 978-88-387-4391-6

Further he writes articles on design and architectural culture for the Giornale dell’Architettura, Allemandi, Turin, regarding previously the German area.